Ally Abdallah: The Book, the Festival, Zanzibar and the Nobel Prize winner – Interview engl/ger
It is a great event, a great surprise that Ally Abdalla has managed to pull off. For the first literature festival in Zanzibar, Ally was able to attract no less than the current winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Abdulraznak Gurnah. For Gurnah, who is from Zanzibar but had to leave the island in the 1960s, it is a triumphant event to be back. At the Heroe Book Fair in Mombasa, I spoke with author, filmmaker and organizer of the new cultural event in Zanzibar, Ally Abdalla.
From Capital of Books to an International Book Event: Les 72 Heurs du Livre in Guinea- engl/ger/fre
This week, the book fair "72 Heures du Livre" starts for the 14th time in the capital Conakry of the West African Guinea. Book fair? Guinea? Exactly. What started here 14 years ago on a small scale has since developed into an international cultural event that has become known far beyond the borders of Guinea. In 2017, Conakry was even awarded the title "Capital du Livre" by UNESCO. An enormous boost and impetus for even more book-related activities.
We want to build Bridges – 1st Salon de Livre Africain in Paris – Interview in fr/engl/d
Le public était visiblement enthousiasmé par l'abondance de la littérature africaine, qui est rarement proposée sous cette forme. En conséquence, les visiteurs étaient impatients d'acheter. Beaucoup avaient des piles de livres sous le bras. L'absence de librairies appropriées, ou le fait que de nombreux livres ne sont pas exposés dans les magasins, est un défaut majeur de la littérature africaine et de ses éditeurs. Il existe également de grandes différences en Afrique.
Heroe Book Fair in Kenya – Interview mit/with Lorna Likiza
Heroe Book Fair will bring together Anglophone and Francophone Writers, Poets, Publishers and Literary Enthusiasts from Africa and the Black Diaspora yearly, in a couple of days celebration of their literary works and achievements. The inaugural edition will happen both virtually and physically with limited movement at the said venue in Mombasa.