• Poetry,  Literatur/Book Review

    “Bright Red Fruit” Safia Elhillo’s Masterful Exploration Using Verse Narratives Review by Frank Njugi engl-ger

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    Through Bright Red Fruit, which was recently named a Kirkus Prize finalist, Safia Elhillo implements poetry as a potent tool to juxtapose illuminating on what it might mean to grow up as a Sudanese in America with exploration of the dark side to the Slam poetry world. Though, she presents it as a vibrant, dynamic form of performance scenery that invites all to share their truths in a communal celebration of expression. Safia implements her Novel– In–Verse poetry as a powerful lens to explore poetry as an art, the complexities of identity, and the longing for love.

  • Music,  Popkultur/Pop culture,  South Africa

    Discovering Shekhinah, South Africa’s Pop and RnB Icon – New Release by Frank Njugi in English and German

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    Discovering Shekhinah, South Africa’s Pop and RnB Icon  by Frank Njugi In modern times, much has been said of how genre feels increasingly irrelevant to the way we think about, create, and consume art. In terms of music, American music journalist, Amanda Petrusich, once explained that few contemporary music stars pride themselves on a pure or traditional approach to form, and most pull purposefully from assorted histories and practices. But sometimes, there comes along an artist who picks up a recognised style/genre and vigorously defends its superiority through a prowess that intermingles with their identities. South Africa’s Pop and RnB artist, Shekhinah Thandi Donnell, mononymously known as Shekhinah, is a prime example of an African act that has displayed…

  • Literature/Poetry,  Mauritius

    Aus der Dunkelheit ins Licht: Priya Hein and Riambel: Discovering the dark history of Mauritius

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    “Writing is a powerful tool that allows us to break existing norms, long standing hierarchical structures and to challenge traditional narratives often told from one point of view. Fiction provides a safe space for writers to use their pen to air grievances, amplify marginalized voices, raise awareness about societal issues that are often taboo, challenge oppressive regimes, advocate for gender and racial equality and more. Over the centuries, literature has not only acted as a catalyst forsocial change but has played a major role in shaping history as well as her story. “

  • Literature/Poetry,  Mauritius

    The Writing And Literary Philosophy Of Mauritian Author Sabah Carrim_by Frank Njugi__English and German

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    Sabah Carrim is a writer who initially as a young writer was against the idea of entering writing competitions. She shared the non-mainstream belief that organizing competitions, and in the process, setting down rules about winning entries, was a sure means of standardizing the stories that were produced. Her ideal was to resist the established order of promoting politically correct literature which was subject to self-censorship, shun writing that said and did nothing, and produce something unique and different that did not serve the limited perspectives and morality of the time. “Instead, the aspiration was to move beyond the particular and attain the universal. Big words. Big thoughts”, she tells me in an exclusive correspondence with her.

  • Kenya,  Music

    The Continuing Rise Of Kenyan Songstress Nikita Kering by Frank Njugi_ english/german

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    When Kenyan musician and songstress, Nikita Kering, released her project The Other Side — a 7 track extended play — on November 11, 2022 ( under Universal Music, South Africa ), the EP struck a primal chord in anyone who has had to relive struggles of trauma. At twenty years old during its release, The Other Side, was a sequel to a 2021 debut project, A side of me – another 7 track EP that had been deluged with exploration of love, relationships and all its entails. The Other Side and A side of me, established Nikita as an artist whose blueprint is using mesmerizing vocals to synthesize self– disclosure, in both romantic and relationships with oneself, as something…