Nuria Book Store – Customers First! Behind the scenes of one of Africa’s biggest Online Bookstores_ english/deutsch
A success story from Kenya: Nuria bookstore is the biggest online book store in East Africa. From its headquarter in Nairobi, Abdullahi Bulle manages the distribution and customer service of Nuria. A clever customer orientated online surface makes it easy for sellers and buyers. And the big threat Amazon ist still far away. The online market can be an advantage for native companies like Nuria. We have a talk with founder Abdullahi Bulle.
Is there Anybody Out There? Nairobi Space Station – Kairos Futura Artist Project Starts this March_deutsch/englisch
They look like the futuristic Space Guerilla. From 18 March, they will make Kanairo unsafe. That is the Sheng name for Kenya's capital Nairobi. The venerable MacMillian Library in the centre will kick off the launch. It becomes a space station. They have camels with them with Massai blankets. The olive overalls are well tailored, the steel masks make them look martial. With this project, the Kairos Futura artists' group puts a big exclamation mark on Nairobi's Design Week. But it is not only about spectacle. The artists' collective, consisting of artists, designers, scientists and environmentalists, wants more: visions and proposals for an environmentally friendly Nairobi. It is about reclaiming urban space, about the "rewilding" of inner-city areas. They…
Bringing Art to the Masses – Interview with Patrick Mukabi – engl_ger
Patrick Mukabi is a Kenyan Visual Artist, Graphic Designer, Dad and Mentor, best known for his appreciation of the African female form. In this interview with Lorna Likiza and Hans Hofele, he talks about his journey as an artist and why the middle class in Kenya are yet to fully appreciate art.
Take the A-Train! Renaissance of the Train/der Eisenbahn im südlichen Afrika_ger/engl
Take the A-Train! Djibouti-Abbis Abbeba, Nairobi-Mombasa, Accra-Tema, Kampala-Kigali,...The railroad is back! After decades of lethargy and decay, there seems to be no stopping it. In many countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, there are a multitude of construction projects, some of which cross borders to advance the train. Not only goods, but also people are being moved. And they are riding along enthusiastically. This is a development that is very much under steam, as a veritable competition has picked up speed. Not all of the projects are successful, railroad construction is complex. Many projects are calculated purely in economic terms. But there is a great chance that the railroad will be more than an economic engine: a transnational vehicle that connects…
Culture Forecast September October 2022
In this section, I display upcoming events of culture events in Europe dealing with african topics and art events in african countries. If you have information about events, please send to hans_cultureafrica@yahoo.com. A lot, a lot. So much events! We start in Uganda, where the exciting Nyege Nyege Festival will happen from September 15 to 18 nearby spectacular Itanda Falls. This international electronic music highlight in East africa is highlighted by DJ Kampire. We hope, that no one has the idea to jump into the water(fall). If you google Itanda, you know why. In Nairobi, the Macondo Literary Festival is preparing to open its gates at Kenya National Theater. The last time it happened, was 2019. This year it…
Centering Black Literature: An Interview with James Murua- engl/ger
In the run-up to the African Book Festival in Berlin, of which cultureafrica.net is a media partner, there will be a series of interviews with participants and experts in the African literary scene. This time it is James Murua. He is one of the most influential bloggers in the African literary scene. He has attended many literary festivals, both nationally and internationally. His website jamesmurua.com is one of the most successful on the continent. James Murua lives with his wife, the writer Zukiswa Wanner, in Nairobi, Kenya. The interview was conducted during the Heroe Book Fair literary festival in Mombasa.
The Sound and the City: Nairobi in a multimedia exhibition by art project Norient engl/ger
It’s colourful, it’s wacky, virtuosic and mega interesting, its the sound and the city: Norient’s art project has attempted to explore an entire city under the aspect of sound. The result is an exciting audiovisual inventory of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. They call it an audio-visual gallery. A gallery for contemporary music, quality journalism, research, project work and also events. FOR GERMAN VERSION PLEASE SCROLL DOWN by hans hofele Nairobi is the first city and the start of a planned series of audio-visual explorations of global cities. In times when travelling to cities is either financially impossible or poorly possible due to restrictions from visas to Corona, Norient seeks to make these journeys possible virtually. For visitors from the West,…
Invisible Inventories – Nairobi – Cologne – now Frankfurt – Interview mit/with Leonie Neumann ger/engl
We do not avoid conflicts, but certainly this project has become very big and has connected many houses. It is also an opportunity for our house to learn from it for future projects, to grow from it and also to learn through dialogue and discussion with those affected, the representatives of the communities.
Architectural Guide Sub-Sahara Africa Part/Teil 3 ger/engl
Die in Englisch veröffentlichten Bände des Teams Philpp Meuser und Abdil Dalbai sind mit hunderten internationalen AutorInen entstanden, viele davon aus Afrika. Im ersten Artikel erschien ein längeres Interview mit den Herausgebern. Der zweite Artikel befasste sich mit dem Einleitungsband sowie den ersten zwei Regionalbänden. In diesem Artikel stelle ich die Bände 4 bis 7 vor. Es sind viele interessante Überraschungen enthalten.In deutsch und in english
How Indian cinema shaped East Africa’s urban culture -Indien und Ostafrika – eine Filmbeziehung
Die 60er, 70er und 80er Jahre werden oft als das Goldene Zeitalter des indischen Kinos bezeichnet und in Nairobi, Mombasa und Kisumu gab es eine große Anzahl von Kinos, die sich der Vorführung von Filmen aus Bombay widmeten.Der ostafrikanisch-asiatische Einfluss auf die Kinokultur in der Region wird nicht oft erkannt, auch wenn indische Filme über Jahrzehnte Landschaften, Mode, populäre Bilder und Musikgenres prägten. Von Nairobi über Kampala bis Sansibar vermittelten indische Filme Wissen, vereinten Familien und boten vielen Träume und Fluchten, vor allem in den 60er, 70er und 80er Jahren, einer Zeit, die als das goldene Zeitalter der indischen Kinokultur in der Region gilt. The 60s, 70s, and 80s are often described as the Golden Age of Indian cinema…