African Publishers on the Book Fair in Frankfurt: And The Story Goes On english/deutsch
It was another real book fair in Frankfurt. One with lots of visitors, almost like before the pandemic. The last three years were empty, the book fair only took place online once, the two years after that it was a very limited event. But even during this time, when visitors were rather rare, smaller publishers from the continent also showed up at the fair at the invitation of the Frankfurt Book Fair, the Invitation Program https://www.buchmesse.de/en/fellowship-and-grant-programmes/frankfurt-invitation-programmes, cultureafrica.net reported on this. So this year it was once again a crowd-puller. And in Hall 6, where the publishers and networks from Africa were to be found, there was also a lot going on again. This is the 75th edition of this huge…
Architectural Guide Sub-Saharan Africa – Teil/Part 2 Sahel and Atlantic Ocean
In the second part of the review of the architectural guide published by DOM publishers Berlin and edited by Philipp Meuser/Adil Dalbai, I go into more detail about the seven-volume edition. The seven volumes comprise more than 3400 pages. It has been in the works since 2014, with over 300 authors and contributors, most of them African. It was an unprecedented undertaking that has been magnificently successful. The content of the volumes can only be outlined, it is an exciting journey into the world of African architecture and yet much more.