Friedenspreis 2021 for Tsitsi Dangarembga: This planet today urgently needs a new Enlightenment! ger/engl
Tsitsi Dangarembga is not only a worthy laureate, she is, as the speech also showed, a thinker of substance, as Zimbabwe and the whole of Africa needs her, and perhaps even more so the West. If it can finally listen to voices that have actually always been there.
Tsitsi Dangarembga – Friedenspreis 2021_Portrait from shonatiger (Zimbabwe)
The Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels is the latest award. Congratulations to one of my personal literary heroes! I am so glad for her that she's also being recognised for her heroism in standing up for the rights of Zimbabweans, in addition to her well-deserved literary acclaim.